Friday, September 17, 2010

New Pokemon Game and Info

New Pokémon game Pokémon Black and White is coming out tomorrow in Japan and serebii and bubapidia have been going out of rage well info well here what I know: Right now there are 18 routes in the game also u can see all the new Pokémon here
Also there are these new battle type called “Triple Battles” a few new things in this. one thing is that you can rotate you’re Pokémon in battle, in targeting in triple battles the Pokémon in the middle can attack with a lot of damage but the side Pokémon can just target, so this mean only that the Pokémon  on the sides do only little damage but with the Pokémon rotating thing this problem is fixed. Also while I was looking on the Pokémon page a saw they really mixed up the Pokémon types, I so far seeded: a ground-electric type, dark-dragon, bug-fire, dragon-ice, and bug electric, . I mean a way to mix it up Nintendo
Write there are only 2 know gym leaders the first you battle depend on what pokemon you choose first. If you choose Tsutarja the grass type starter you will battle Dento with a Yooterii (lvl 12) a dog looking Pokémon with a grass type monkey looking Pokémon Yanappu ( lvl 14).If you choose a pokabu the fire type starter  you will battle poddo who has a Yooterrii and a boappu the fire looking monkey pokemon. If you choose mijiumaru the water pokemon starter you will battle Koon who has a Yooterii and a hiyappu the water monkey pokemon this gym is located in Sanyou City .For gym leader 2 is Aloe a lady who has a Haderia (lvl 18) another dog looking pokemon with a Miruhoggu (lvl 20) a merkat looking pokemon.This gym is located Shippou City.
  Something that’s the same in the battle tower in Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh Pokémon black and white has its own battle system the Battle Subway. Like in the previous games you battle you’re through trainers. Once you enter you enter this huge circular station. From Here You Battle on the various trains. Like the others in previous regions the battle subway has 3 different battle methods: Single Battle, Double Battle, and And Multi Battles. Again like the battle tower you go through 7 trainers earn battle points so you can get stuff.
These are Knowed City in the new isshu region this region is very far from the other regions. Hoenn can be accessed by boat or airplane but isshu is move in industrialized than other regions plus it’s populated. These are ALL knowed cities in the region knowed as of right now: Kanako town is the first town you will be in when starting out looks a lot like a village. Karakusa town. But this is where you will first encounter team plasma the new villains. Sanyou City the first city you will enter where the first gym is located and where the new Professer Araragi’s friend Makomo lives. Shippou City is the next city you’ll enter. The city is very old it has rail tracks that have been abandoned for 100 years it also have a huge museum. This is also where the second gym is located. Sekka City is a city that located just below a forest it seems to have seasonal changes. Huin city ok just to say huin city remains me of lower Manhattan in new York out of all of the major cities this has to be my fav because iam kind of a new Yorker and iam happy to see this. The city is a huge metropolis with huge high-rise buildings they took the 3D way to the extreme they also change the camera angles in the game while in the city. Also there are many boats and such like New York also a bridge called Sky Arrow Bridge that looks a lot like Brooklyn Bridge. The next area is called white forest it a city that completely exclusive to white. It has a variety of Pokémon missions that don’t occur in Pokémon black. Black city is a city exclusive to Pokémon black this also have a lot of missions and task that’s not in Pokémon white it has many tall building but it seems dark and sad.Finaly there is a area called Liberty Garden Tower where is located in a island in the game and you can only get their by a boat at huin city after getting g the liberty ticket from a Wi-Fi event. On the island is a tower where you meet a lot of characters plus team plasma at the basement of the tower also you will encounter the legendary Pokémon Victini. Well thanks all the info I got for now see ya
                                                                                                    Info from