Monday, September 13, 2010

New Series and other updates....

Well i put a lot of thinking about this i am going to make a whole new machinima series simliar to sanity not included.since my mic broke I only have a few voices for it plus i am asking friends if they can help with voicing.I also only have a few scenes for it so i don't have much i to work with but around this week me and my friend are going to record some stuff from grand theft auto(liberty city) so at least I can be starting pretty well.Fianlly i might be stoping my videos of SMG2 for a while and other console games to focus on maplestory because i have not post anything of it for 3 months now and plus a got a lot of videos of that and since maplestorty is easyier for me to record i am going to start out recording that for the new series because i can just go there on my p.c with setting up anything plus this is at a awesome time because ms is getting attack by aliens so i got a of material for that.but anyways that's it see ya.

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